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Monthly Archives: September 2006

I am still settling into a rythm here at school.   Time seems to fly but stay still at the same time.  I have been here three years at Regent.  In Regent years it is a long time.  Out of my community group from my first year at Regent, I am the only one left.  My good friend Will was the last one to leave this August.  It was sad to see him go, however I know he is excited to be back home in England.

Today I am a little sick.  It is so beautiful I am struggling staying home.  That is why I am at the library blogging.  I figured the fresh air would do me good.  I really want to be on the ultimate field playing this afternoon, but I better stay home.

At Regent in the Micah 6:8 group we are thinking of doing a showing of Ground Truth.  It should be a good way of bringing up the war in Iraq at school.  I am excited that we have a guy who was actually in Iraq to be on a panel when we do show the film.  I just ordered it.  Hopefully we will get it soon.

Today I saw the funniest thing at the library.  I was at the catalogue looking for a book.     Then this little kid came running to the librarian dressed in a fireman rain coat and hat.  He was looking for a fireman movie.  He was so excited to learn more about firemen.  That was so cool.

Today I was looking for the book:  Running With Scissors.  I saw the preview for the movie on TV.  It is about a mother who gives her son to be raised by an unorthodox psychiatrist.  Gwenth Paltrow, Annett Benning, and Ralph Finnes is in it.

Right now I have started to Read Potter’s Rib by Brian Williams.   It is an excellent book.  It is just the beginning and he has some good stuff right off the bat.

I am curious to see Ground Truth.

It is a movie about the soldiers from Iraq and their struggle after they return from the war.  I book I recommend to read before you see this movie is War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning by Chris Hedges.  It is a well written book by a guy who grew up with a father that became a pacifist and a pastor after going to Vietnam.  Then Chris was converted to using force when he became a war correspondent.  It is not a black and white pro-war or pacifist kind of writing.  It is an excellent book to read during these days when our friends and enemies are in the middle of a conflict.

Another movie I want to see is Fast Food Nation.

The actress from Maria Full of Grace, Catalina Moreno is in this movie.  I am so happy to see her in another movie.  She was a great actress playing Maria.

“Am I a God near by,” says the Lord, “and not a God far off? Do
I not fill heaven and earth?”

“Am I a God near by,” says the Lord, “and not a God far off? Do
I not fill heaven and earth?”

Anybody been to the Taco Shack (TACO SHACK 1935 Cornwall Avenue, 778-239-5102. Open 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.)?  I have yet to find a good burrito or taco place in Vancouver.  So I am always excited when new Mexican places open.  I hope to hit this spot this coming weekend.  A review is coming, but this could be a good place to eat.  Former B.C. Lion, Daved Benefield has opened up this spot.  He grew up in SoCal.  And he has brought his experience of working in a taco shack up north.  I am so happy to hear about this.

A few Sundays ago I was talking about fish tacos and no one in my church knew what it was.  I felt like I had been pulled into a time warp before the time of airplanes.  I thought fish tacos were as common as salsa and chips on the West Coast.  However, I was wrong.  I got to try this place out and then spread the word to my friends who have not exprienced a good fish taco.  Last year I heard the best fish taco in the Vancouver region was in Tifino.  So this Taco Shack has the potential of being a big restaurant.  One time at a Salvadorian Restaurant a Vancouverite asked me if I know about a fish taco place.  I am telling Benefield could be tapping a goldmine if he is good as the Georgia Straight says he is.

There are few websites that I would say encourage me spiritually. Sacred Space is one of these sites that nourish my prayer life.  Actually now that I think about it, Sacred Space is the only website that I would say does that for me.  It is an excellent prayer guide. If you haven’t visited the site I would encourage you to try it once. I try to use it often, I would use it daily if I had web access at home.

You have got to check out the VIFF starting Sept. 28.  We saw a wonderful movie last year called Viva Cuba.  It was so good.  I wish I had a copy of it to take to the US.  It is a beautiful moive of children in Cuba.   The children actors are wonderful.  Make early plans to watch a movie because the films are only shown twice so look at the movies in advance to plan when you want to see the film you are interested in.

This evening Lisa, Jean (Lisa’s mom) and I watched the 3 part of Planet Earth series on CBC Newsworld.  It is an incredible documentary.  The film work is incredible, but I don’t like the commentator that much because the scenery the crew captures is so incredible you just want to enjoy it.  I wish I had a HD TV to watch it because it looks so incredible.  If you haven’t seen this documentary check it out.  My favorite is seeing Lake Malawi.  They show the cichilids making their crater-like homes in the lake.  It is so beautiful.  I used to have cichilids back home.  It was so hard leaving them.  They used to dig and dig all day and I never knew what they were doing.  It was so neat to see them in their natural home.  I wish I had them here in Vancouver.

Okay, I wrote this post a few days ago, but I pressed save instead of publish. You can read it, but it is a little out dated now that the itunes has been out for so long (in tech years).

The new iTunes is out!

Looks good.

I just downloaded it and I got my free millions low down version of Grey’s Anatomy. I never watched the show until I got it on DVD from the library. These shows that leave you hanging are better to watch on DVD because you can watch the next one right after. I really hope that Everybody Hates Chris comes out on DVD. Lisa and I really like that show.

Probably bigger than iTunes being released, I am back at school. I have made the decision to get back into fantasy football. I really missed it last school year when I dropped out. I lost my spot in my friend Alex’s fantasy league. This year I am part of my friend Eddie’s leauge, but I am getting crushed because Steve Smith and Trent Green got hurt. Well I got to read for class instead of being online.