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Daily Archives: October 15th, 2004

Jon Stewart

“[Stewart] calling hosts Carlson and Paul Begala “partisan hacks” and chiding them for not raising the level of discourse on their show beyond sloganeering.

“What you do is not honest. What you do is partisan hackery,” Stewart said. “You have a responsibility to the public discourse, and you fail miserably.

“I watch your show every day, and it kills me. It’s so painful to watch,” Stewart added as it became apparent that the comedian was not joking. He went on to hammer the network, and the media in general, for its coverage of the presidential debates. Stewart said it was a disservice to viewers to immediately seek reaction from campaign insiders and presidential cheerleaders following the debates, noting that the debates’ famed “Spin Alley” should be called “Deception Lane.”

“The thing is, we need your help,” Stewart said. “Right now, you’re helping the politicians and the corporations and we’re left out there to mow our lawns.”

Nice job Stewart. I never watch his show. Maybe I got to watch it now.

Today I read a chapter out of Gods that Fail by Vinoth Ramachandra.

He writes:
“When human beings give to any aspect of God’s creation (for instance, sexuality and/or fertility) or to the works of their hands (e.g. science, the nation-state, the market mechanism) the worship that is due to the Creator alone, they call up invisible forces that eventually dominate them. When what is meant to be a servant is treated as a master, it quickly becomes a tyrant.” p. 112

He quotes Psalms 115:4-8
4      Their idols are silver and gold,
          The work of man’s hands.
       They have mouths, but they (9) cannot speak;
          They have eyes, but they cannot see;
       They have ears, but they cannot hear;
          They have noses, but they cannot smell;
       They have hands, but they cannot feel;
          They have feet, but they cannot walk;
          They cannot make a sound with their throat.
       Those who make them will become like them,
          Everyone who trusts in them.

This guy is deep. I have to read the whole book after I read this chapter.
I like his style.